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Yoga & Hypothyroidism

Yoga for Hypothyroidism

Yoga can help with hypothyroidism. If you have hypothyroidism, you should first perform general yoga exercise and pranayama (breathing techniques) to help boost your immunity and get rid of negative emotions. This will also help your nervous system and let you experience a good sleep at night. A number of experts claim that there are some types of yoga which are ideal for people suffering from thyroid diseases.

Sarvangasana in Yoga for Hypothyroidism

Sarvangasana is believed to be the most effective and ideal asana (position) for the thyroid gland. This powerful posture places a great amount of pressure on the thyroid gland that dramatically changes the function by squeezing out the stagnant secretions and improving the blood circulation.

Other Asanas in Yoga for Hypothyroidism

After sarvangasana, halasana and matsyasana are beneficial for hypothyroidism. Other recommended asanas are the following:

Pranayama Yoga for Hypothyroidism

Also known as Yoga breathing techniques, pranayama is important for patients with hypothyroidism because it provides the energy needed by the body while also enhancing the oxygen intake. This improves blood circulation, gives relaxation and soothes a person's nervous system. The most effective pranayama is ujjayi which focuses on the throat. The relaxing and stimulating effects are beneficial for a person with hypothyroidism. The nai sodhana pranayama is also good for rebalancing the body's metabolism. Kapalabhati (breath of fire) and anulom vilom are also beneficial for treating hypothyroidism.

Yoga and Lifestyle Changes for Hypothyroidism

Aside from doing all the yoga exercises that could help cure your hypothyroidism, you need to inspect your lifestyle. Self-discipline is required to get over diseases, and you need this to do your exercises on a regular basis. Yoga for your thyroid disorder will not be effective unless you eat a proper and well-balanced diet.

Since hypothyroidism causes depression and irritability, yoga can help you relax and soothe the body. Finally, a positive attitude and outlook in life will help a lot in the treatment of your hypothyroidism.

What is Yoga

Originating in ancient India, yoga is a physical, spiritual and mental discipline which aims to achieve a state of perfect tranquility and spiritual insight with the use of meditation. Over the years, yoga has evolved and is now considered a range of traditional meditation and physical exercises in Hinduism. There have been some modifications in hatha yoga to the exercise versions and it has become popular as low-impact physical exercise.

These exercises are now used for a number of therapeutic purposes. Some groups believe that hatha yoga's "prana" (healing life energy) can be absorbed by the body through proper breathing and can help cure a gamut of diseases. At present, several studies on yoga have been conducted to learn about its effect on health conditions such as stress, depression, back pain and many others.

What is Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism is a condition involving reduced activity in the thyroid gland that results in insufficient production of the thyroid hormone.

Thyroid hormones, which includes triiodothyronine and thyroxine, regulate the temperature of the body and production of protein as well as maintain metabolic process. Insufficient secretion of this hormone can lead to negative health effects such as joint pain, infertility, cardiac disease and obesity, among others.

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