Hypothyroidism Symptoms
Hypothyroidism Diagnosis
Hypothyroidism Treatment
Causes of Hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism Diet
Hypothyroidism & Iodine
Is Hypothyroidism Genetic
Pregnancy & Hypothyroidism
Diabetes & Hypothyroidism
Yoga & Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism Diet

The thyroid gland is a major organ in the human body that is responsible for the production of hormones necessary in regulating metabolism. If such processes are interrupted, it can cause hypothyroidism.

What Is Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough hormones. This can happen after the surgical removal of the thyroid gland, if infants were born with congenital hypothyroidism, stress or simply if the thyroid gland is tired of working and is not functioning well. If these hormones are not produced adequately, symptoms like cold intolerance, constipation, fatigue, weight gain, dry skin, goiter and even depression can occur. (See Hypothyroidism Symptoms for more symptoms)

Effects Of A Good Hypothyroidism Diet

If you are diagnosed with hypothyroidism, it may sound horrible, but you could be in it for life. This means you'll need to change your diet and lifestyle entirely. There must be a conscious and consistent plan for your everyday intake of food to prevent flares of symptoms that could disrupt your everyday routine. If you adhere strongly to your diet plan, then there shouldn't be any worries about symptom attacks later on.

Good Foods For Hypothyroidism

Foods that are rich in iodine are highly recommended in the struggle to ward off hypothyroidism. Below is a categorized list of good food sources.

Iodine-Rich Foods For Hypothyroidism

Selenium-Rich Foods For Hypothyroidism

Iodine For Hypothyroidism

The thyroid gland needs iodine, therefore if you have an underactive thyroid gland you should increase the iodine intake in your diet. A well-balanced diet that includes iodine can help in alleviating the symptoms that you encounter with your condition. With the simplest intake of the foods mentioned above, you can greatly assist your thyroid in keeping up with your body's metabolism. (See Hypothyroidism and Iodine for more information)

Foods To Avoid For Hypothyroidism

These foods must be avoided in order to prevent recurrence of hypothyroidism symptoms. Avoiding them will also prevent aggravating the already aggravated thyroid glands. Here is a list of foods to be avoided:

Goitrogenic Foods To Avoid For Hypothyroidism

The food items listed below can impede your body's ability to absorb iodine. And when your body can't absorb iodine, your thyroid gland will swell and you will eventually develop goiter. Some of the food listed above can also be goitrogenic.

Goitrogenic Chemicals

These chemicals, when ingested through processed food or medications can cause goiter:

Effects Of Weight Loss On Hypothyroidism

Losing weight can help a great deal in warding off hypothyroidism. It is a fact that obese people are more prone to life-threatening diseases like hypothyroidism. Eating a well-balanced and high-iodine diet along with proper exercise can maintain a healthy and hypothyroidism-free life. Dieting and exercising will not only help your thyroid to function well; it will also give your entire body a healthy make over.

Recommended Number Of Daily Meals For Hypothyroidism

It is medically proven that small frequent meals are healthier for persons with hypothyroidism compared to eating large-bulky meals per day. A study showed that eating 5-6 small meals a day will help a person lose weight and ward off the symptoms of the disease. It does not only help your intestines to digest food, it also keeps your energy level up.

Stock-up your fridge and cupboards with healthy snacks and enjoy them at various intervals. This could help maintain your diet, as well as aid you in losing weight. When you feel the slightest hunger, grab an apple or a banana instead of foods that are rich in sugar.

Effects Of A Good Hypothyroidism Diet On Metabolism

Since having hypothyroidism can cause your body's metabolism to act really slow, you should understand that maintaining a hypothyroidism diet can save your life. Anyone with hypothyroidism has a slow metabolism, thus gaining weight is inevitable. If you gain weight, you can acquire a couple more health problems linked to weight gain, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

Adhering strictly to your diet not only alleviates your thyroid gland's stressful state, it can also cure you from a lot of other underlying conditions that have resulted from your illness.

Every individual is unique, hence, every person experiences a different set of symptoms. It is important to observe a healthy diet and follow your doctor's advice.

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